Key visual, Swimming wear illustration, Art film animation and model
Collaboration with Swimwear Brand
Key Visual and phrase
수영을 잘하기 위해서는 몸에 긴장을 풀고 유연하지만 강하게 나아가야한다. 이것은 우리가 삶을 살아가는 태도와 닮아있다.
To swim well, you need to relax your body and move forward flexible but powerful. This is similar to our attitude towards life.
Swimming wear illustration
Just Keep Swimming
우리는 계속 헤엄친다. 모든것은 계속 수영한다.
We keep swimming. Everything keeps swimming.
I feel like I have wings
하늘로 이동하는 인어는 자신이 가장 좋아하는 물고기를 들고 날아다닌다.
물고기와 함께라면 마치 날개가 생긴것 같은 기분이다.
The mermaid who moves to the sky flies with her favorite fish.
It feels like she has wings when she is with the fish
Flying Dolphin
자신을 비행기라고 생각하고 바다속을 하늘처럼 날아다니는 돌고래
돌고래는 수영을 한다는 생각보다 자신은 날아다닌다고 생각한다.
A dolphin that thinks of itself as an airplane and flies through the sea like the sky. A dolphin thinks of itself as flying rather than swimming
Flower pattern
Art film
Interview film
About collaboration from barrel site
About collaboration Lookbook from barrel site
About collaboration Interview from barrel site
Key visual, Art film, Goods design, Pop-up Live painting
Collaboration with cosmetic brand nuse
Project Esun [ The memory of midsummer night]
Key Visual
Art Film
한 여름밤의 기억 (The memory of midsummer night)
볼이 빨간 반딧불이 있다는 친구의 말을 믿지않고 찾아다니다 반짝임을 찾았다,
I didn't believe my friend's words that fireflies have red cheeks,
so I searched for them and found a sparkle,
그 빛을 따라 가다보니 바다가 보였다. 팔이 아프기 시작한게 그날 이였다.
I follow the light and saw the ocean. That was the day my arm started to hurt.
파도소리와 빗소리가 나의 비명을 숨겨주어 다행히 아무도 눈치채지 못했다.
The sound of the waves hid my screams, so fortunately no one noticed.
돌아오는 길은 입술이 빨간 옥수수 밭이라 나의 두배가 되는 풀 사이를 걸어와야했다.
On the way back, I had to walk through a cornfield with red lips, which was twice as tall as me.
나의 팔은 풀사이로 보이지 않는곳 까지 갈수 있었다.
My arm was able to go/ so far that/ it couldn’t be /seen through the grass.
나무가 자라나듯, 풀이 자라나듯, 팔 또한 자라나는것은 당연한 것인데
Just like trees grow, just like grass grows, it's natural for my arm to grow,
왠지 모르게 숨겨야할 것 같은 기분이 들었다.
but somehow I felt like I had to hide it.
가끔은 내가 나무인걸 까먹는다
Sometimes I forget I am a tree.
Goods Design
POP - UP Poster
Live Painting
Live Painting idea Sketch with iPAD
I love myself (2024)
Acrylic on the acrylic panel
Live painting 15mins
불국사에서 이 나무를 보고 왠지모를 외로움이느껴져 사진을찍었다. 사진위에 자신을 사랑하는 나무를 그려야지하고 그림을 그리다 그건 거짓말인것 같아 코를 길게 그리고 아주작게 피노키오 라고 적아놨다.
When I saw this tree at Bulguksa Temple, I felt somewhat lonely, so I took a picture. I thought I should draw a tree that loves me on top of the photo, but I thought that was a lie, so I drew a long nose and wrote the word Pinocchio very small.
Special thanks to @nuse.official @know_wave_seoul